The Valuing Nature Programme is funding ten placements between November 2017 and March 2018 which are aligned to the Programme's goal of building an interdisciplinary research community, capable of working across the natural, biological and social sciences and arts and humanities, and of linking researchers to businesses, policymakers and practitioners.
This scheme was first run in 2016 and was described by Placement Holders as a transformative experience. A final report, along with summaries and videos from the 12 Placements funded in 2016 are available here. The final reports, blogs and videos from the 8 placements funded in Spring 2017 are available here.
The placements enable researchers to work in a new disciplinary, institutional or applied setting, and to produce outputs which can be shared with the Valuing Nature community. This third suite of placements has a greater focus on private sector businesses.
The successful applicants and links to their Placements page are listed below:
Barnaby Andrews
Placement page - Managing the marine natural capital by assessing the impact of fisheries management on expenditure by sea anglers.
Home - School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Host - Centre for environment, fisheries & aquaculture science (Cefas)
Nazli Koseoglu
Home - Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Land Economy
Host - Nestle UK and 3keel LLP
Sam Lew
Placement page - Using satellite imagery to understand the benefits that marine nature reserves provide for society
Home - The Wash and North Norfolk Marine Partnership.
Host - Institute of Estuarine & Coastal Studies (IECS), University of Hull
Anja Liski
Placement page - Future land management business models – supporting businesses dependent on the environment to invest in restoring and enhancing natural capital
Home - The University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences
Host - Ecology, Evidence and Flooding. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Ian Mell
Placement page - Valuing green infrastructure for health in London’s local government and business communities
Home - School of Environment, Education & Development, University of Manchester
Host - Greater London Authority
Poppy Nicol
Placement page - Sharing Stories, Sharing collections: Valuing Biodiversity in Wales.
Home - Sustainable Places Research Institute/School of Social Science, Cardiff University.
Host - Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum of Wales
Ian Pattison
Placement page - Spatial mapping of natural capital investments and beneficiaries.
Home - School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University
Host - Natural Capital Programme, Environment Agency
Carolyn Petersen
Home - Department of Politics, Exeter University
Host - Clinton Devon Estates
Thomas Smith
Placement page - Analysis of international biodiversity targets to understand and maximize their relevance to the private sector
Home - University of Leeds
Hosts - University of Oxford / The Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Benjamin Taylor
Placement page - Coastal natural capital asset integration into a 25-year environmental management and assessment plan.
Home - University of St Andrews, School of Biology, Sediment Ecology Research Group
Host - Environmental Analysis Unit, Defra