During 2016, 12 researchers were funded to work for up to three months on Valuing Nature topics in a new disciplinary, institutional or applied setting. Hosting organisations included Historic England, Cornwall Council, Defra, the RSPB and Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
Discover the experiences and challenges of the 2016 Placement Scheme as the organiser, Dr Rob Fish, reflects upon the Scheme.
Read the final report summarising the placments and lessons from the first round of the Scheme.
Many of the Placement participants found the scheme a transformative experience and reported better appreciation of user needs in valuation, and greater understanding of the challenges of embedding concepts and approaches into practice. See an overview of the 12 Placements here.
Outputs from the Placements included reports, blogs and presentations as well as policy and practice notes, academic publications and proposals for further activity.
All the students came together for the final meeting on 23-25 May 2016 in Kent, Canterbury where presentations were given on each invidual placement and video summaries were created. Connect to their pages from the links below:
Placement Scheme Participants 2016
Natasha Bhatia Amy Binner Dan Bloomfield
Clement Feger Laurence Jones Joseph Kenworthy
Charlie Langan Sarah Papworth David Robinson