New Publication: Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: a review for decision makers

The Valuing Nature Programme is delighted to annouce the publication today of the paper  "Economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services: a review for decision makers" by Tinch et al. in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy.

This article first started life as a community paper Demystifying Economic Valuation Paper edited by Ece Ozdemiroglu and Rosie Hails from the Valuing Nature Programme Coordination Team as part of the Valuing Nature Programme "Demystifying" series. This series of papers aims to bring together experts to explain the key concepts that might cause confusion in the wider Valuing Nature community, and agree on principles of good practice. 
Further information on the Demystifying series  

"This has been a paper 3 years in making...perhaps not much given the depth and breadth of coverage and the number of people involved! Thank you to all the co-authors and funding from @ValuingN"  Ece Ozdemiroglu

The paper may be downloaded from