Prof Wandi Bruine de Bruin

University of Leeds (Centre for Decision Research)

* As co-director of the Centre for Decision Research at the University of Leeds (with additional affiliations at Carnegie Mellon and RAND in the US), I have gathered the relevant interdisciplinary and international teams that can tackle VNP topics, including for example public perceptions of extreme weather and climate change, preparedness for heatwaves in the UK, and mental health effects of nature scenes. I welcome new collaborations to further our understanding of VNP topics. * I have the team and expertise needed to design and conduct additional national surveys on public perceptions in different countries * I have national UK survey data on public perceptions of climate change and preparedness for heatwaves, which have been collected with funding from the ESRC and will be made publicly available. I would gladly collaborate with interested parties on secondary analyses of these data sets. * I have US survey data on public perceptions of climate change and weather, on which I will gladly conduct secondary analyses with interested parties.

Research provider
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Economic Research
Arts & Humanities
Research Area: 
Natural hazards & extreme weather events
Urban ecosystems
Health and wellbeing