
Latest news from the ONS-Defra Natural Capital project: New ecosystem accounts for freshwater, farmland & woodland.

UK Natural Capital – Ecosystem accounts for Freshwater, Farmland and Woodland – were released on the 25 July 2017 which includes 3 of the 8 broad habitat accounts which have been developed as part of a Defra/ONS joint project.  These were previously published separately.

The article covers the total UK estimates for the UK including these main points:

Newton RCUK-CONICYT Broadening Impact Call

Research Councils UK (RCUK) and National Commission for Scientific Research and Technology(CONICYT) are to inviting applications to the Newton RCUK-CONICYT Broadening Impact Call 2017.

This initiative will provide funding for internationally competitive, transformative and high-quality collaborative research projects between UK, Chilean and other Latin American DAC list country researchers which contribute to the economic development and welfare of developing countries in Latin America.

New Shmapped app will map experiences of city living in Sheffield

The Valuing Nature IWUN (Improving Wellbeing through Urban Nature) project has released a new app for users to map the good things in Sheffield.  This will help the IWUN project understand how different aspects of urban living affect wellbeing.

Users are asked to share the good things about natural and built space once a day for a month.  The first 1000 people to complete the challenge will be entered into a prize draw to win a voucher from £25 to £500. 

Global Challenge Research Fund - Interdisciplinary Research Hub Call

The second Collective Fund call for Interdisciplinary Research Hubs to Address Intractable Challenges Faced by Developing Countries is now live, with a closing date for outline applications of 9th November 2017.

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a 5-year £1.5Bn fund and a key component in the delivery of the UK Aid Strategy: tackling global challenges in the national interest. The fund aims to ensure that UK research takes a leading role in addressing the problems faced by developing countries through:

British Ecological Society (BES) Policy Fellowship

The British Ecological Society are currently advertising their first BES Policy Fellowship. This is a unique opportunity to gain experience working on a 6-month placement with Defra’s Environment Analysis Unit.

2017 BES Policy Fellowship

Applications are now open for the 2017 BES Policy Fellowship, offering a mid-career ecologist the chance to spend up to six months on a placement embedded within Defra’s Environment Analysis Unit, applying their scientific expertise to a practical policy challenge.

British Ecological Society Policy Guide: An introduction to policy-making in the UK

The British Ecological Society (BES) has produced their first Policy Guide, written by BES members Rory O’Connor, Beccy Wilebore and Miriam Grace. It provides an introduction to the policymaking process, focusing on the UK Government and Parliament, how policies are developed and the difference between policy and legislation. 

Link to BES Policy Guides
