
Call for participants: Social innovation for maintaining and restoring natural capital in Latin America

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund and the British Council, Middlesex University in partnership with Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios in Colombia will be holding a three-day workshop to explore opportunities to develop research on social innovation for restoring natural capital. This will take place in Pereira (Colombia) from the 26-29 June 2018.

Funding Opportunity: Research capacity for sustainable ecosystem-based management of estuaries and coasts

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council, in partnership with the South African National Research Foundation, will be holding a three day workshop on the above theme in the premises of the Oceanographic Research Institute, uShaka Marine World in Durban South Africa, on 19-21 June 2018.

Online Course - Valuing Nature: Should We Put a Price on Ecosystems?

The University of Exeter has launched an online course to help everyone to discover the many ways that we benefit from the natural world through ecosystem services.

Explore how we value the natural world. The first course starts on the 19 March 2018 with further dates to be announced later in the year.

Topics Covered:

Putting a monetary value on nature

Call for Papers for a Special Feature of Sustainability Science “Theoretical traditions in social values for sustainability”

To further explore themes associated with the diverse concepts of value, the Valuing Nature Programme is pleased to support this Call for Papers inviting abstracts on Theoretical traditions in social values for sustainability which will form a Special Feature of Sustainability Science edited by Chris Raymond, Jasper Kenter, Carena van Riper, Andrea Rawluk and Dave Kendal.

New Report: Bringing health and the environment into decision making: the Natural Capital Approach

A new report by Ian Bateman - Director; Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP), University of Exeter Business School, and Ben Wheeler - Senior Research Fellow, European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH), University of Exeter Medical School, has just been published.

Read Full Report


Keynote Lecture Series: Understanding linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem services for exploring the impacts of environmental change

This Valuing Nature Keynote Lecture was given by Professor Paula Harrison, from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). This 45 minute lecture was followed by a panel discussion chaired by Dr Rob Fish with Professor Michael Winter and Professor Rosie Hails. 

Lecture Video link -
