
A walk through the field of environmental economics

What does economics mean for valuing nature? Valuing Nature's Ece Ozdemiroglu, the Economics Lead in the Programme Coordination Team, tells us more.

Economics is all about allocating limited resources amongst our unlimited needs and wants. How we use, manage and protect environmental resources is therefore particularly interesting to economists.

Do ecosystem services really win arguments for biodiversity conservation? New report from BESAFE investigates

BESAFE (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Arguments for our Future Environment) recently produced a report on how we can use the value of nature to argue more effectively for conserving biodiversity. In a guest blog, the authors discuss the results that show a surprising range of motivations behind the conservation of nature. 

Global Food Security funding call: "Resilience of the UK food system in a global context"

The first call of the new Global Food Security programme "Resilience of the UK food system in a global context" is now open.  £14M is available over five years to support interdisciplinary research projects.

The call is relevant to Valuing Nature concepts about the different types of valuation needed for decisions that affect the environment, for example:
