The NERC-funded Valuing Nature Placement Scheme welcomes the successful award winners and their hosts to the launch event on the 5 April in London. The eight placements cover a broad range of topics within the remit of the Valuing Nature Programme. The placements support the Programme aim of building an interdisciplinary research community capable of working across the natural, biological and social sciences, and the arts and humanities; linking researchers to businesses, policymakers and practitioners.
Oveview of placements may be viewed HERE
The purpose of the scheme is to fund researchers to spend up to four months working on a topic related to the Valuing Nature remit in a new disciplinary, institutional or applied setting. The scheme is designed to encompass placements that promote "Cross-disciplinary dialogue and exchange of ideas around issues of valuing nature" or "Uptake and usability of academic knowledge and skills in practical contexts concerned with valuing nature". This includes a learning experience outside the researcher’s usual area of expertise; developing an understanding of key concepts, related methodological techniques or data use, or approaches to policy or practice uptake.