Community engagement in developing the funding call
The Valuing Nature Programme Coordination Team ran a series of activities to engage researchers and end users in helping to define the funding call. These included a web survey, a scoping workshop, a meeting of the Valuing Nature Business Interest Group and consultation with the Programme Advisory Group. A "thinkpiece" was shared to stimulate reponses - this is available here. Outputs from the activities were used by the funders in shaping the funding call. Summaries of the activities are given below, with links to the outputs.
Web Survey
The web survey was open for four weeks up to 13 March 2015. 223 people responded to the survey, including researchers from the natural, social & economic sciences and arts & humanities, and research users from policy, practice and business. They identified 595 research ideas & 161 offers for engagement opportunities that could be made available to other people as part of the call (e.g. research partnerships or case studies). Responses from the web survey were used at the Scoping Meeting (below). The full report and summary are available below - the offers of partnerships, case studies etc are available here.
Scoping Workshop
46 people attended the scoping workshop at the Royal Society on 20 March 2015 which included presentations on Valuing Nature, Health & Wellbeing, Interdisciplinary Working and Research User Perspectives. The facilitated workshop sessions identified key research priorities under each of the three topic areas listed above, and proposals for changes to the topics. The full report and summary from the workshop are available below.
Business Interest Group
The first meeting of the Valuing Nature Business Interest Group particularly considered business interests and opportunities relating to the Health & Wellbeing Goal. A report from the meeting is available below and offers for business engagement opportunities will be added to "offers" list while the funding call is open.
Web Survey - summary Web Survey - results
Scoping meeting - summary Scoping meeting - results