The Royal Society, London is the venue for this year’s Valuing Nature Annual Conference, which will take place on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October.
Once again this year, attendance is free, and is funded by the Valuing Nature Programme
The 2-day conference will bring together people from diverse research areas and from business, policy and practice to share latest research findings from the programme and beyond, and to improve the ways in which we incorporate findings into practice.
Attendees at Valuing Nature Conference 2018 said:
“Great as always to meet people thinking about things in different ways.”
“Great speakers, diverse projects at different stages and from different locations.”
“I particularly enjoyed the sessions on research with real world impact and the final summary with the panel speakers. “
Broad Objectives for the Conference:
This year’s conference will have three broad objectives: (i) providing a space for sharing research findings and outputs, as well as experiences of valuing nature in practice, including how these approaches can integrate and complement other approaches to protect ecosystems, ecosystem services, and health and wellbeing; (ii) highlighting the achievements of this five-year research programme and associated research projects; and (iii) exploring the future for valuing nature research and practice.