Ten projects were run through the initial phase of the Valuing Nature Network (VNN1) between 2011 and 2013 – these used the VNN1 Conceptual Model.
The links below provide further information on the projects and their findings:
- Agricultural Management: Valuing the impacts of ecosystem service interactions for policy effectiveness
- Coastal Management: Environmental and ecological economics and management
- Ecosystem Markets: Informing the work of the Ecosystem Markets Task Force
- From Values to Decisions: Bridging the gap between supply and demand for valuation evidence (BRIDGE)
- Marine Governance: Interdisciplinary methods to build a socio-ecological decision-making tool to inform marine governance and policy
- Stocks and Flows: Scale dependence of stocks and flows in the valuation of ecosystem services
- Uncertainty and Scale: Interdisciplinary quantitative ecosystem services team (INQUEST)
- Valuing Externalities: Valuing Externalities in a business context
- Valuing Peatlands: Assessing and valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management
- Wellbeing: Capturing differentiated experience of change to ensure pro-poor ecosystem service interventions are fit for purpose