The first Valuing Nature Annual Conference was held in Manchester on 18 October 2016. This national event was attended by 170 people and provided the opportunity for researchers, practitioners, business and policy makers to share knowledge and research. The conference included presentations, interactive sessions, posters and networking opportunities. The topics covered included:
- Different approaches to valuing nature
- Research into new ways to understand nature’s value and to communicate with different audiences
Developments in research, policy and business drivers and the application of valuation information in practice.
Conference Programme
Introduction – Rosie Hails
Valuing Nature Programme Coordination Team Activities
Lightning Talks
Valuing landscape condition
Lisa Norton, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
SENCE maps to communicate natures value
Katie Medcalf, Environment Systems
BESS-EO: Earth Observation for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Beth Cole, University of Leicester
Framework to target nature based solutions aimed at engaging people with nature
Liz O’Brien, Forest Research
Demonstrating the multiple benefits of wetlands for nature and society
Hannah Robson, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
Manchester’s Great Outdoors: a Green & Blue Infrastructure Strategy
David Barlow, Manchester City Council
Wellbeing valuation and the University of Manchester Living Campus
Kelly Watson, University of Manchester
Valuing Nature Projects
Health & Wellbeing
- WetlandLIFE: Taking the Bite out of Wetlands
Presentation Project Summary - Tim Acott, University of Greenwich- Green Infrastructure to promote Health & wellbeing In an Ageing population (GHIA)
Presentation Project Summary - Sarah Lindley, University of Manchester- Improving Wellbeing through Urban Nature (IWUN)
Presentation Project Summary - Anna Jorgenson, University of Sheffield- CoastWEB: Valuing the contribution which coastal habitats make to human health and wellbeing, with a focus on coastal flooding
Presentation Project Summary - Nicola Beaumont, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Understanding ecosystem stocks and tipping points
- Understanding ecosystem stocks and tipping points in UK blanket peatlands
Presentation Project Summary - Mark Reed, Newcastle University- Identifying potential tipping points in benefits derived from the UK’s land ecosystems
Presentation Project Summary - Ian Bateman, University of Exeter- Mechanisms and consequences of tipping points in lowland agricultural landscapes
Presentation Project Summary - Adrian Newton, Bournemouth University
Parallel Sessions
A: Communicating Nature’s Value
Jonathan Porter (Chair), Countryscape
Adam Dutton, RSPB
Euan Hall, Land Trust
Natalie Ganpatsingh, Intelligent Healthcare
B: Making the Business Case
Guy Duke (Chair), Independent Consultant
Alice Sireyjol, PwC (ppt not uploaded)
C: Demystifying Economic Valuation
Ece Ozdemiroglu, eftec (Chair) &
Ian Bateman, University of Exeter
Brett Day, University of Exeter
Emily Connors, Office of National Statistics
D: Participatory Processes
Jonathan Porter (Chair), Countryscape
David Edwards, Forest Research
Rosalind Bark, University of Leeds Marc Metzger,
Anja Liski & Aster de Vries Lentsch, University of Edinburgh
E: Health Value of Green Space
Michael Winter (Chair), University of Exeter
Euan Hall, The Land Trust
Ben Williams, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Dan Bloomfield, University of Exeter
F: Natural Capital Protocol
Marta Santamaria, Natural Capital Coalition & Ece Ozdemiroglu, eftec