Prof. Penny Sparke

The Modern Interiors Research Centre, Kingston University, London
Kingston upon Thames

Our research centre investigates the history of the interior with a focus on its design and the idea of domesticity (defined as a component of a healthy life), both inside and outside the home. This historical work focuses on the social, cultural and, above all, the aesthetic aspects of the meanings and functions of interiors. Currently we are working on the way in which well-being has been encouraged by the creation of specific atmospheres within interiors, including (as a current case-study) the effect of the presence of nature within them. Our work would usefully complement, and potentially support, scientifically-generated work that aims to quantify the effects of the relationship between nature and interior environments.

Research provider
Arts & Humanities
Research Area: 
Natural hazards & extreme weather events
Pathogens & natural aquatic toxins
Urban ecosystems
Health and wellbeing