The Cambridge Natural Capital Leaders Platform is a global network of companies convened by the University of Cambridge to determine how companies can sustain the natural environment through their strategies and operating practices.
Over the next three years, and with the support of Cambridge research teams, the Platform will deliver a series of ground-breaking case studies showing how companies can invest in the natural environment at scale with positive commercial and environmental returns. We would be looking for researchers to help us develop and deliver these corporate case studies. These case studies would involve academic researchers working directly with non-academic stakeholders, including large multinational companies, to understand better how to produce or augment existing research that promotes valuing and investing in nature agendas in corporate operations and processes. The case studies may look at particular sites or landscapes, or consider particular supply chains, depending on the individual companies. They could explore either or both of the themes put forward by the Valuing Nature Programme: the links between ecosystem stocks and tipping points, and/or the role of biodiversity and ecosystem services in human health and wellbeing.
More information at
Gemma Cranston
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
University of Cambridge
Research user (business)
Natural Sciences
Research Area:
Natural hazards & extreme weather events
Pathogens & natural aquatic toxins
Urban ecosystems