Angus Middleton

Landmark Information Group
Brighton, but Landmark also has offices in Reading and Exeter

Landmark are developing the Ecoservices Platform, which identifies the habitats to create and where to them to solve our clients’ river-related problems. For instance, the platform could tell a water company where to create wetland and plant woodland to ensure a river meets Water Framework Directive quality standards. 

The research we propose involves expanding this platform to cover all natural hazards, such as drought and storm damage, then integrate it with the Agri-Informatics Centre of Excellence to seamlessly join agricultural activity with ecosystem service provision, thereby maximise the value society gets from the management of UK land. The research should also include extending the effectiveness of the platform from the catchment area continuously into cities, so that benefits flow freely from and between all land use types. This will help join-up the planning and implementation of interventions, avoiding conflict or gaps between rural and urban actions. 

Landmark are keen to act as a partner in such research and development. We may be able to offer in-kind contributions, mentoring and collaborative R&D with our staff and partners. 

Landmark are about to enter a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Leeds University and are in discussion with Cranfield about future opportunities for collaboration. The London Green Infrastructure Taskforce are interested in developing the urban application of the Ecoservices Platform.

Research user (business)
Natural Sciences
Research Area: 
Natural hazards & extreme weather events
Urban ecosystems
Health and wellbeing