Defra evidence statement on the links between natural environments and human health

University of Exeter research linking ecological, socioeconomic and health data to deepen our understanding of relationships between nature, health and wellbeing

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Working with Dr Simon Maxwell of the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs‘s Environment Analysis Unit, Dr Becca Lovell has co-authored a comprehensive Evidence Statement on the links between natural environments and human health. The aim of the evidence statement is to inform Defra’s policies and service delivery.

The statement addresses:

  • the direct and indirect linkages between natural environments and health,
  • variation in impact between social groups,
  • the importance of the type and quality of the natural environment,
  • dose-response relationships,
  • the effectiveness of different intervention options,
  • the monetary values of benefits, and
  • key evidence gaps.

Importantly the statement also considers the implications of the evidence base for current and future policy and delivery.

You can download a copy of the full Evidence Statement on the links between natural environments and human health or a set of summary slides.