Our final annual conference took place at Royal Society, London on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October.
This 2-day conference, funded by the Valuing Nature Programme, brought together people from diverse research areas and from business, policy and practice to share latest research findings from the programme and beyond, and to improve the ways in which these findings can be incorporated into practice. Being the final Valuing Nature Conference, we decided to shine a spotlight on the seven VN projects:
Human Health & Wellbeing:
- CoastWEB: Valuing the contribution which COASTal habitats make to human health & WEllBeing
- IWUN - Improving Wellbeing through Urban Nature
- GHIA - Green Infrastructure to Promote Health and Wellbeing in an Ageing Population
- WetlandLIFE - managing mosquitos and the socio-ecological value of wetlands for wellbeing
Tipping Points:
- Identifying potential tipping points in the benefits derived from the UK's land ecosystems
- Understanding ecosystem stocks and tipping points in UK blanket peatlands
- TPAL - Mechanisms and consequences of tipping points in lowland agricultural landscapes
There was a wide variety of oral and poster presentations, including a Theatre Workshop aimed at opening up our receptiveness to different ideas. We were pleased to welcome back our Keynote Speaker, Professor David Raffaelli, who took us through a retrospective look at how this community of practice has evolved, and our Chairperson, Professor Rosie Hails, reflected on the six ways in which the academic, social and political landscape around Valuing Nature has changed since 2013.
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