C3: Valuing the Arts in Valuing Nature - Part 1

A two-part session exploring the role of the arts within the remits of valuing nature research.

Reflecting on examples of arts-based research funded as part of the Valuing Nature Programme, the session aims to deepen our understanding of what artistic research is, and how it is incorporated in current valuing nature research agendas.

Introduction, context and purpose - Robert Fish, University of Kent

Participatory Arts and Creative Archiving for Valuing Urban Nature
Jenna Ashton, University of Manchester  -  Valuing Nature GHIA project

Why and how we used arts-methods to reach new understandings of nature's influence on mental health, and why we'd do it again
Jo Birch, University of Sheffield  -  Valuing Nature IWUN project

WetlandLIFE, epistemological equality and a disciplinary theatre: the experiences of art approaches for valuing nature
Tim Acott, Valuing Nature - Valuing Nature WetlandLIFE project

Within the Living Memory of the Dead and other stories: art and the challenge of interdisciplinary partnership
Simon Read, Middlesex University London  -  Valuing Nature CoastWEB project

Questions from the floor & directed discussion
Led by Chris Fremantle - Independent arts producer / Robert Gordon University  - Valuing Nature WetlandLIFE