Session F - Adaptation to climate change

Adaptation to climate change: language, metrics, people

Adaptation to climate change: language, metrics, people.
Kathryn Brown, Climate Change Committee Secretariat

Adapting to Climate Change: Challenges for Scotland.
Mary Christie, Scottish Natural Heritage

Research and practice for adaptation to climate change and valuing nature seem to develop along separate trajectories. In some specific topics such as flood risk management they converge. But there is so much that can and should be done when we think about natural environment and climate change simultaneously; not least because climate change will influence what kind of natural environment is possible in the future. This requires long term and multidisciplinary thinking – a key aspect of Valuing Nature Programme.

Summary Points

  • Share: Climate change adaptation – lots of policy, some action, little evidence that risk is being reduced
  • Future: what would transformational land use change look like? And how can a valuation approach help?
  • Need to engage and involve publics in thinking about change and envisaging futures