Accountants by nature: experiences of applying large scale corporate natural capital accounting in England

Tuesday, 26th April 2016 - 15:00 to 19:00

This is a free event hosted by ICEAW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) in partnership with eftec (Economics For The Environment Consultancy), Forestry Commission and the Duchy of Cornwall.

Where: ICAEW, Chartered Accountants' Hall, Moorgate Place, London, EC2R 6EA

Details: here

Registration: here

The interactive round table event is essential for those interested in applying natural capital accounting, in particular for organisations and businesses with land based assets.  

The Corporate Natural Capital Accounting (CNCA) framework was developed in 2014 for England’s Natural Capital Committee, by eftec, PWC and RSPB. It is akin to a financial balance sheet for natural capital assets comparing the asset value to the cost of (at least) maintaining this value. 

The method has since been applied for the first time at a large scale, to the public forest estate in England and the Duchy of Cornwall estate building on these organisations’ existing financial accounting systems. 

This event is a chance to hear about these pioneering applications, and will cover:

•    An introduction to the CNCA framework

•    Findings and insights from both applications

•    Feedback from the staff at the Forest Enterprise and the Duchy on their reasons for commissioning the CNCA and how they plan to use the results, and 

•    Discussion of ongoing challenges and opportunities directly with those who have experience of using them. 

The event will be hosted by the Institute for Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) in association with Forest Enterprise, The Duchy of Cornwall and Economics for the Environment Consultancy.