D2: Green & Blue Spaces for Health & Wellbeing

Short presentations from members of the Valuing Nature Network

Chair: Jonathan Porter, Countryscape  –  Valuing Nature Programme Coordination Team

Measuring health and wellbeing for an urban green space valuation toolkit
Benedict Wheeler, University of Exeter

A systematic review of economic evaluation studies of green and blue spaces in improving population health
Mary Lynch, Bangor University

Investigating whether a change in exposure to Green and Blue Spaces impacts on wellbeing and mental health?
Amy Mizen, Swansea University

Relationships between size, quality and proximity of green-space on population health: a cross-sectional ecological study
Matthew Dennis, University of Manchester  -  Valuing Nature GHIA project

Valuing Nature-based Interventions: the Economic Evaluation of Park Improvements for Health and Wellbeing
Jing Ma, University of Sheffield  -  Valuing Nature IWUN project